Greetings all. Sorry for the lack of posts, but I’ve been busy with other projects.
Pour yourself a long drink and prepare for a rant about local politics.
Many years ago (probably about 35) Leicester City Council planted some trees around the back streets of Clarendon Park which have offered a very welcome splash of green to a predominantly red brick background.
On 3rd November two were cut down. Murdered! Gone for ever! One at the top and another at the bottom (Howard Rd. end) of Cradock Road. I phoned the Council on 4th November to complain and enquire why our apparently healthy trees had been so ruthlessly removed. I was told they had been diseased, but the Council were obliged to replace any removed trees. ‘It may take up to a year as funds are tight’ he added.
Having given the matter some thought I do not remember the trees looking particular sick, quite the opposite in fact. Flourishing! I can offer no evidence, or scientific knowledge in support of this though. It did, however, get in the way of the enormous refuse collection trucks that struggle to get around all of our roads and I found it rather a coincidence that it was the two that caused most trouble that were ‘diseased’.
In a letter, I put this theory forward, but was assured it ‘did not have anything to do with access issues for refuse vehicles’. I also suggested that surely it was cheaper to plant replacement trees than remove and chip two (3 workmen for at least two hours), then come and clear the area and tarmac over it (At least 4 workmen half a day), then come with a big lorry and remove the old tarmac and paving (missed this bit, but must have been two men for an hour).
As luck would have it I photographed the tree in it’s prime in the summer of 2009 with and without the bin lorry and, more recently the bare space resulting in the ‘murder’ and the ease with which the refuse lorry can now swing round the junction. He hardly has to slow down! Please form your own opinion.
The most recent communiqué from The Council states that there are currently no funds available to replace any trees. (they have probably used their resources answering my letters!) I dearly wish they had never removed the trees, but am starting a campaign to replace at least the one at the top of Cradock Rd. (Montague Rd end) as this area now looks so bleak. The Howard Rd end still benefits from existing mature trees.
This all happens in a year when there are schemes to plant trees in celebration of
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, actively supported by BBC TV presenter,
Kate Humble.Watch this space for news and contact me if you want to wave a banner or something.