Monday, March 29, 2010

The work of spies.

Recently, a Queens Road Blog Stringer contacted me to alert this Blog to strange goings on at the far end of Queen Road. Somebody has been dumping hundreds of old music VHS tapes in the public litter bins. Clearly the work of spies, we should keep our eyes on developments. The main bins used seem to be the two at the far end of the road. I have not seen who turns up to collect the tapes, but expect it is a Cold War Spy and the tape featured here, craftily labelled 1960’s, in fact refers to escape routes over the Berlin Wall. Keep it to yourself though. Walls have ears.


Alice Scradcza said...

I haven't got that Sting concert. Could you rescue it? Anything on welding?

Toby Savage said...

Too late Alice. The bin men came this morning. Sorry. There will be more next week. I'l look. Meet you round the back of the bike sheds, as usual!

type test said...

Ha I'm the one that alerted you to the videos. I can't believe you actually investigated! The other day, it was full of audio cassettes. I would love to see the person dropping them all off, but somehow I have a feeling it's under the cloak of darkness...

Toby Savage said...

Hi type test - good name! We shall have to mount some survielance cameras, triggered by the slightest nocturnal motion. Guess it signals that the age of tape is truly over.

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