Well. That’s what they are. Carefully positioned on the pavement (which I thought was reserved for pedestrians - Oh well). ‘We’re only doing our job Guv’ they would say. But they’re not. The idiots that do belt along Victoria Park Road at 60 mph do it when the boys in blue are playing snooker in the Police Social Club, pint of mild in hand. These snoopers just get us gullible idiots who let the speedo drift up to 35 mph whist gorping at the Uni students in short skirts, then make us feel like criminals.
Well. The snoopers missed me! I spotted their cheap trick and drove past smiling, benignly, at a steady 20 mph, two fingers waved at them, majestically, from under the dashboard.
I think we should form a Save the V Sign society. Well done for using it.
It's not really 'safety' and they aren't proper photographers. I bet they don't know an f-stop from a truck-stop. Meanwhile, tossers like Kial Cottingham exist.
Who's Kial Cottingham? No telly Tobe.
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