The ads posted in shop windows are always addictive. I bought a garden pond in the summer for a fiver. Took all weekend to dig it in. The Newsagent splits the ads into two sections, conveniently. This side for odds and ends and the other side for accommodation. Having a roof over my head I am always drawn to this side and read every ad. The red heart is a rather touching ad from ‘Frank’ seeking a ‘trustworthy woman, as friend and probably more!’. Items for sale first appear it ridiculously high prices, then drop week on week to the true value. ‘Thomas the Tank Engine Bed, cost £400 (sucker) accept £150 (no chance)’ phone Johnny 07922960728.
Talking of large chests - a pub landlady from years ago explained to me her hectic love-life and method of locating potential suiters - She used to place small-ads for brassieres - massive ones - "un-used gift" etc - ALL her respondants where men ! Clever bird.
I'm amazed that there hasn't been more comments other than Diplo going on about brassieres again. Come on everybody there's got to be a few more miles in this one.
Well Peter, I hoped so too. I thought it opened the gates for a whole flood of misunderstood adverts in shop windows. I replied to one in this very window 20 years ago offering 'French Lessons'. With great trepidation the due appointment came and I received......... French lessons.
I don't know about French lessons - but when I was at school we had to suffer dance lessons - our teacher's pianist had the most spectacular beard and ear whiskers I've ever seen on a woman and we used to drop coins from the landing to hear them slap onto her bald head.
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